Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"Occupy Oakland" General Strike Is ON and Getting BIG!

Little did I expect that the 99% would join our battle against the Banksters in such a fast manner. I thought for sure it would take the closing of banks, loss of checking and savings accounts, shut down of 401k's and general financial mayhem to get people off their couches and into the streets.
I guess I was wrong again...tomorrow, November 2nd, Oakland, California (my home town) will stage the first General Strike in the city since 1946. Early estimates are putting the crowds at over 10,000 citizens and plans are in place to shut down the Port of Oakland...with the support of the Union Dockworkers!
Like I said before...there is gasoline in the streets and the Banksters are going to provide the match very soon. 
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir
PS - I'll be there screaming to FREE the Gold and Silver markets from manipulation and to END THE FED!! Are you listening Bart Chilton?!

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