Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Media controlled? You be the judge!

Jerry Day Productions posted on April 19, 2008:

I stumbled on a stunning disconnect between the major media version of election coverage and candidate appearance trends on the internet. The Mainstream Media seems to have largely ignored something!




Some history about how the people that controls the media
also organizated the Council of Foreign Relations

Representative Oscar Callaway reports to Congress in 1917, which involved JP Morgan hiring twelve high racking News managers. The twelve were asked to "... determine the most influential newspapers in America." They were to figure out how many news organization it would take ... to control generally the policy of the daily press of the United States." The twelve found that it was only necessary to "... purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers." "Anagreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, and an editor was placed at each paper to insure that all published information was in keeping with the new policy." Soon that policy would be defined by a front group formed by JP Morgan and his colleagues (Warburg and Rockefeller).Morgan’s personal attorney was the founding President of the organization. The organization was known as the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR).
New and old video clips on this subject showing that the above was reported in the news so why don't more people know about this fact?
Congressman Oscar Callaway, Congressional Record of 1917, page 2949(unable to located because his had been misspelled, CALLAWAY, FRANCIS OSCAR. I correct Calloway to Callaway and will return to the law library to see if I can find the Congressional Record.
On February 26, 1917 ‘The New York Times’ misspelled his name too! Why?

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