Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Chew on this for awhile-The Terrible Truth? What’s in a name be in Barry, Barack or Bâri′ M. Shabazz?

Chew on this for awhile-The Terrible Truth? What’s in a name be in Barry, Barack or Bâri′ M. Shabazz?

by dancingczars

Bâri′, Barry, Barack

by Martha Trowbridge

White House Press Corps: may I inquire? Were any of you invited to the birthday party Friday?

If not, don’t feel miffed.  After all, it’s long been a family secret. Anyway, here’s the scoop:Friday was Bâri′’s birthday. Bâri′ M. Shabazz - Barack Obama’s identity at birth.Yes, 28 October was the day, in 1959, in New York City, that the man who presents himself as Barack Hussein Obama was born Bâri′ M. Shabazz.
A baby thrice bestowed with names sacred to Malcolm X: Bâri′, Malik, andShabazz.
Oh so happily bestowed by his mother, who truly-and-forever loved Malcolm. It wasn’t just the sacred nature of these names that so delighted his proud parents.
It was what the names signified. Bâri′ - Muslim name meaning “Of Allah”.  According to Islam, God as al-Bâri′ is the creator of all:     “al-Bâri′The Maker, The Producer, The Evolver, The Maker From Nothing …  Bâri′ denotes the way the One [my emphasis] works with substances, often creating from existing matter, making and evolving that which is free and cl ear of any other thing, free and clear of imperfections.”
Malcolm X and wife Betty
Note the reference to “The One”, a popular attribution to Barack Obama during the campaign.
Malik / Malachi – Names most sacred to Malcolm. “Lord”, “Master”, ‘Sovereign”, “King” … Malik is Arabic for Malachi [Messenger of God]. In 1952, Malcolm requested permission from The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
[his Nation Of Islam spiritual director] to assume the name Malachi Shabazz – approval that was denied him. In spring 1964, after Malcolm left Nation Of Islam, he assumed the identity El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz.
Shabazz - Malcolm’s chosen Muslim last name. It’s the Muslim name his wife Betty also chose. The name they bestowed upon all six children.
Among the Malcolm X aliases certified by the F.B.I. are Malachi ShabazzMalcolm Shabazz and Malik El-Shabazz.
Bâri′, Barry, Barack ….. Sort of has a cadence to it, doesn’t it?  Reminds me of the days I studied Greek and Latin. Studied the conjugation of verbs. Bâri′, Barry, Barack. His past [imperfect] tense, his present tense, his future tense.
Bâri′, Barry, Barack: he was, he is, he will be. So it was for high school Barry.
Photoshop version 1 released in 1990 by Adobe. Great timing.
His past collides with his future. Barry, discovering his birth certificate amongst sequestered documents. Discovering his Muslim identity – and the name of his biological father. And in that discovery, recognizing “I occupied the space where their [his parents’] dreams had been”. A stunning realization. A future must be created!
Politics, yes, this is the proper path. National politics.  The very same path that daddy Malcolm had his yearning eye upon. His son would go one better, though. His eye would firmly fix upon The White House!
From here it only gets better. Martha Trowbridge  did some serious investigative reporting...from me J.C.

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