Tuesday, October 11, 2011

FBI Director Vows More Use of ‘Lone Wolf’ Provision of Patriot Act-News from Antiwar.com

FBI Director Vows More Use of ‘Lone Wolf’ Provision of Patriot Act-News from Antiwar.com
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Tuesday, 11-Oct-2011 13:35:02
FBI Director Vows More Use of ‘Lone Wolf’ Provision of Patriot
Act — News from Antiwar.com
Citizens With No Ties to Terror Groups Present ‘Serious National Security Threat’
by Jason Ditz, October 07, 2011
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Testifying yesterday in Congress, FBI Director Robert Mueller and National Counterterrorism Center director Matthew Olsen both agreed that the seldom used “lone wolf” provision of the USA PATRIOT Act, a provision which allows broad intelligence gathering of people with no actual terrorism ties, would become much more widely used in the months and years to come.
Indeed, while Mueller claimed the FBI had never once used the “lone wolf” provision, but that US citizens with no actually ties to terror groups pose a “serious national security threat” and would need to be targeted more.
Olsen concurred with this sentiment, adding that such people are “probably the greatest challenge that we face.” The two also agreed that Congress needs to give them even more broad surveillance powers, citing thepopularity of Android-based smartphones.
The FBI’s surveillance of Americans remains a serious issue, though the widespread classification of government records means the true extent of the policy may never be known. Thus while Mueller assures that no one has ever been targeted as a “lone wolf,” they continue to target American citizens for lawful activities.
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