Friday, October 21, 2011

A Declaration To Restore The Constitutional Republic

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Washington Monument -- Beginning at 0600 -- 11-11-11

Click image to view poster full size, print or download.

 USPU and VDA Bus Service for 11-11-11

Colonel James Harding is one of the most decorated military leaders and pilots of our time and we are honored to welcome him aboard the Veterans Council of the United States Patriots Union.  Bio

A note from the founder...

As veterans, we swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and to defend it against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Quite simply, unlike any period in our long history, our freedoms are in jeopardy. Our domestic borders have been silently invaded with people who intend to harm us. There are thousands of terrorists and terror cells within the United States borders who have one goal as their agenda - the destruction of America as we know it. This simply cannot take place.

You, as a veteran, have training, skills and experience that uniquely enable you to prepare your family and community in the event of disasters, either natural or man-made. REMEMBER, we ALL can contribute some of our skilled training, in some small way. Together, we are a strong force.

May God bless you, your family and our nation. The time is now, join us.

Richard Van Waes, Founder

Click here for an introductory message from Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely

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