Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 27-Sep-2011 19:30:09

        Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

        6 Oc, 3 Tzotz, 8 Manik

        Dratzo! Much has been happening on your world. Many minor issues are delaying temporarily the distribution of your prosperity funds and the much-awaited broadcasts. These delays are the last in a long line of impediments that have dictated the pace of change for your world. They determined that what could have been easy and rapid finally ran up against the time limit set by Heaven. What is important to remember is that the coming events are inevitable. The precious-metal depositories are set up across the globe and the primary components of the new financial system are in place. The final push we mentioned recently has turned into a major secret conflict between the dark cabal and its staunchest adherents, and a determined group of armed forces that is removing these obstructive beings so that the changes can happen smoothly. This struggle has reached a point where we are now ready to intervene and end the cabal's last-ditch stand. Our Agarthan cousins have begun to assist the pro-reformation forces to ensure absolutely that there will be no sudden turn of events in the dark's favor. We say to them, On to victory!

        Our forces continue to adhere strictly to the guidelines issued to us by Heaven, but we also look forward to the time when we can do more than merely assist our Earth allies in putting together a new reality. This is no simple assignment. You are tasking yourselves with completely reforming a world that has existed for millennia, which means, in effect, that you need to bring about a huge series of changes largely unheard of in the present reality. However, this amount of change is something that our Agarthan cousins are prepared for, as they fully expected that the dark would not be allowed to complete its illegal machinations for preventing your return to full consciousness. Heaven had a divine timetable which proclaimed that the time for the return of the Light was upon you, and that it was to be sparked off by a massive first contact with the Galactic Federation. The present goings-on are simply part of the run-up to disclosure. Amazing things will be associated with disclosure and we look forward to participating in these events with you.

        The road to disclosure has had many strange turns. Recently, several major governments agreed to be on board with disclosure and then abruptly withdraw from that agreement. This taught us that only the caretaker governments could ensure disclosure. Therefore, over the past few months we started to increase our assistance both to our Earth allies and to those willing to actively pursue the use of coercion to drive the dark cabal from its underground bases, and this was successful. Further, our defense forces have discombobulated the 'advanced' technologies which are sequestered at these bases with the intention of denying the dark ones any possibility of last-minute mischief, which they still persist in plotting. The leadership of the dark needs to accept that its time in the catbird seat is at an end and that the moment has arrived for all the dark ones to face the music and formally surrender to the various forces that are waiting to create the new temporary governments. These are the legal instruments to produce disclosure.

        The final steps in this last act of mass defiance by the dark are now underway. As their alternative courses of action shrink by the minute, the time comes for their leadership to bow to the inevitable. Surrender can prevent a lot of unnecessary pain and sorrow for their families and especially for them. You are standing on the very brink of a golden age for humanity, and your return to full consciousness completes the prophecies decreed by the Light at the fall of Atlantis. This time is meant to be one of great joy, and the dark is prolonging the time of chaos unnecessarily. Heaven is now advising us that we are to intervene in ways that we were formerly disinclined to, and have assisted those who 'cleaned out' a number of major dark underground bases. We have also disrupted or destroyed several devices used by the dark as part of its complex operations to prevent your rise to full consciousness. The time for our arrival on your shores is close at hand!

        Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today to give you a better understanding of what is happening around you. Right now, moves are being completed in a number of nations to bring about the fall of several tyrannical regimes. Also, our associates are wrapping up a series of discussions about the new procedures to be explained to those banks intending to operate internationally. Most importantly, the current wall between domestic and international banking operations in America is finally to be breached. Hence it is vital that the new transparent modes of operation be known to both large and small banking institutions. Further, a series of new international monitoring agencies are to be very rigorous in their scrutiny of all daily banking practices. It is essential for these new agencies to regulate global banking operations both thoroughly and effectively.

        The most important aspect is of course the new currencies and the changes of governance. These areas still have a few problems. We continue to pave the way for the first few announcements by the new temporary governments, and all new monies for each nation have been transferred to local distributions centers. Officials from the banks being serviced by these centers have been trained to exchange the new money and are conversant with the new procedures that their bank tellers are to follow. Specific new rules will be imparted to each group of bank officials, and the funds long blocked by the old regimes will be released after the requisite papers are formally agreed to by those initially receiving the funds. Then, a grand distribution of monies from St. Germaine's World Trust will begin.

        The distribution of these funds is tied to the many governmental reform groups taking temporary control of a number of major governments. An international tribunal has formally given our forces authority to make arrests and take down these governments. Several military units and legal groups within these same nations are assisting us to complete these arrests. So far, thousands of the dark cabal's personnel have been taken into custody and held at special secure facilities located near the edges of Inner Earth. Our intent is to finish this operation very shortly and to be able to install new governance, and then start the first series of announcements. We dearly desire to begin a more personal approach to you and be able to make our broadcasts together with the Galactic Federation of Light. It will be a most joyous time. Namaste!

        Today, we talked about the many operations that will open a path to freedom for you and your world. These procedures need to be accomplished before disclosure rolls out, and are signs of your rapidly approaching new reality. It is this new reality which will allow you to complete your transformation to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

        Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, California 95762 USA
        Voicemail:             808-573-3110       | E-mail: info@... | Website address: www.paoweb.com

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