Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Israel and the Upcoming Nuclear War!

Indicting The Israel Criminal Banking Network

This is a response to a powerful and poetic video trial of the Israel Criminal Banking Network. I have decided to briefly add my testimony to the court case against the Israel Crime Family. This is merely a partial outline of Zionist crimes. The Palestinians and the Lebanese can give far better evidence of Israel’s multitudinous war crimes than I could.
One man asked how do we get from here to there or from our present condition as debt slaves to free men and women sitting in judgement of the Israel Banking Network’s crimes? This first essay should make that clear.
I recently said, “FED Chairman Ben Bernanke will take over the Bailout of Rothschild owned European banks from the Germans who are resisting. Bernanke will swap trillions of dollars in freshly printed Bernanke Bucks for euro bad debts. He will continue printing dollars until the dollar, the pound and the euro are worthless.
When the Bailouts are over, you will have nothing and the Rothschilds and their fellow members of the Israel Banking Crime Family will own everything including your children.
To divert the justifiable wrath of the 7 billion non-Jews the Zionist Crime Family will then need a war to solve their problems. The obvious target being Iran.

I have said before the US military will not allow Israel to attack Iran. Let me explain why. On 911 Israel brazenly bragged of their declaration of war against America and the world. They sent live video footage of the planes hitting the North and South Towers to the Bush administration. Dr Richard Fuisz who was the CIA handler for Susan Lindauer saw those Israeli videos and immediately and rightfully concluded that Israel did 911. You might remember that on the morning of 911 Bush said he saw a video on the monitor of the first plane hitting the North Tower before he entered that classroom in Florida. The general public did not see Flight 11 crash into the North Tower until 24 hours later when the Naudet brothers documentary footage was released.
Since 911 Dr Alan Sabrosky, a former Director of Studies at the US Army War College, has come forward and publicly accused Israel of doing 911. Dr Sabrosky is partially of Jewish descent. I maintain that 911 was the third in a series of the criminal Israel Banking network crimes against America and the world.
The first of the three crimes was the assassination of President Kennedy. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed on November 22nd 1963. He had issued Executive Order 11110 on June 4, 1963 which returned the power of the Sovereign to issue currency to the Treasury from the privately owned Federal Reserve bank. JFK issued US Treasury Notes which were non-interest bearing to replace Federal Reserve Notes which were interest bearing and required a debt to the FED be created. If the bankers had not killed him as they did Lincoln, we would have no public debt and not understand a 23% unemployment rate. After the bankers killed JFK, his debt free currency was recalled.
I keep making the point in public and in print that everyone else fears to whisper even in secret: Kennedy was murdered on the anniversary of the day the bankers first met on November 22, 1910 in the private rail car that was to take them to Jekyll Island to draft the legislation their hired politicians would eventually pass in 1913. My point is that the bankers were giving us a message by killing JFK on the anniversary of their secret meeting. The message is that they own America. They control the money and have the absolute right to kill any American at anytime for any reason. And that includes the President of the United States.
Of course we know another motive for killing JFK. Mordecai Vanunu said Israel wanted Kennedy killed because he opposed their nuclear weapons program. It is forbidden to stand between Israel and their right to launch WW III and kill billions of people. Mass murder is their joy, their destiny and the sole reason for being on this planet. At least this is what we can conclude from studying their behavior.
The second step in Israel’s declaration of war against America and the world was the North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) of 1994. Since that date America has lost 50,000 manufacturing plants. America has a little over 3,000 counties with an average population of 100,000. If you divide 3,000 into 50,000, you get an average loss of 16 to 17 manufacturing plants per county closing and going overseas. This has destroyed local tax bases, government revenues and jobs resulting in millions of unemployed and millions of foreclosed homes.
The Israel Banking Crime Family sent all the jobs overseas so the only way to make moneytoday is by participating in their Banker Bubble Fraud Machine.
First was the dot com swindle. Alan Greenspan, the former FED Chairman, created money wildly to keep the tech stocks up beyond all reason until it was time to elect Zionist lackey and war criminal George Bush. Then Greenspan tightened the money supply, drove down the stock market before election day and became more responsible for electing Bush than even Karl Rove. Greenspan then allowed the Israeli Banking Crime Family to create the Mortgage Bubble.
The point is that the Israel Crime Network sent all of America’s jobs overseas so there would be no means for anyone to earn money except by participating in their swindles which have stolen tens of trillions of dollars from Americans.
That our unemployment rate will soon soar past 30% from its current 23% is of no concern to the bankers. They did not care when at least 3 million Americans died of starvation in the Great Depression which they also created.
I have said this next Depression could be called the Greater Starvation. My estimate is that if America does not learn to say No to Israel, 9 million Americans will die of starvation and 3 million will commit suicide rather than starve to death.
If Americans do not resist Evil, one day in the near future Ben Bernanke’s Federal Reserve Notes will go to zero value and you will be a debt slave. I previously said:
The Fundamental Fact of Your Existence as a modern man or woman is that the bankers of New York and London want to reduce you to debt slavery.
The Bankers want America to lose WW III so your slavery will be sealed. That is why they passed NAFTA. They wanted America’s supply lines to stretch 8,000 miles to China on a dodgy credit card so we would lose the next war. But the Israelis were so brazen in their admissions that they did 911 that I seriously doubt the US military will allow the Banking Crime Family to attack Iran or do anything to destroy what is left of America, a once proud nation.
Please help to solidify US military support for our resistance to the Bankers. Please explain to anyone you know in the military that the reason for passing NAFTA was to de-industrialize America so the United States would lose WW III and Americans could more easily become slaves.
I will discuss the Third Step in Israel’s Declaration of War Against Humanity in the next essay in this series.
This is the video that gives far more poetic justice to the judgement against these criminals than I ever could.
This is the first in a series of essays on the Crimes of the Israel Banking Crime Network. In this first essay I wanted to put the various elements of the Indictment against Israel Crime Family into perspective so what follows makes sense.
The Bankers want to get America into World War III so the Americans can lose the war. The United States would become an impoverished failed state and be folded into the Zionist New World Order. American women could become cheap prostitutes and men could fight and die for Israel in a dozen or more countries. American farmers would be allowed to produce food for export that Americans could no longer afford to eat. In the Great Depression of the 1930s the Russian demographer Borisov said at least 3 million Americans died of starvation. I calculate 10 million Americans would die in what I have called the Coming Greatest Starvation if the world does not stop the Rothschild Israeli Banking Crime family.
To the US military I have said the following: The whole purpose of NAFTA was to de-industrialize America so we would lose World War III. They want America’s supply lines to stretch 8,000 miles to China on a dodgy credit card.
I have written before of the Debt Bomb. Bankers understand money very well. They knew that the system they imposed on America would create many Depressions and Inflations but in the end succeed at its goal, the transfer all real wealth from those who created the real economy and the real world to the Israeli-Rothschild Banking Crime Family that took unto itself the right to print our money.
If you liked the above video, you will love this one from the same man:
Israel and the Upcoming Nuclear War!

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