Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Earth Blasted By One Of The Most Intense Geomagnetic Storms Seen In Years

Earth Blasted By One Of The Most Intense Geomagnetic Storms Seen In Years

Mon Sep 26 2011 18:42
September 26, 2011 – GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A strong-to-severe geomagnetic storm occurred today following the impact of a coronal mass ejection (CME) at approximately 12:15 UT on Sept. 26th. The Goddard Space Weather Lab reports a “strong compression of Earth’s magnetosphere. Simulations indicate that solar wind plasma has penetrated close to geosynchronous orbit starting at 13:00UT.” Geosynchronous satellites could therefore be directly exposed to solar wind plasma and magnetic fields. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for Northern and Southern Lights after nightfall. -Space Weather
The sheer force of the geomagnetic storm impacting the planet is seen below, indicating the strongest impact on the planet’s magnetosphere in this simulation by NICT. The K-Index reached 8 and the solar wind speed doubled with a proton density count that spiked near 10 protons/cm3  -The Extinction Protocol
radio blackout indicator

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