Monday, August 22, 2011

Poofness, 8-21-11…”The Fat Lady just Walked on Stage”

Poofness, 8-21-11…”The Fat Lady just Walked on Stage”

by REENA on AUGUST 22, 2011 · 0 COMMENTS
~~ Start ~~
Poofness, 8-21-11…”The Fat Lady just Walked on Stage”
Greetings and Salutations:
Fasten your seat belts, make sure your trays are up, all we need is clearance from traffic control. I’ve done all I could to advise you thru the years, now the responsibility is on you, how you handle this, entry into a brave new world. You’ve never been here before so, leave the assumptions where you got them. Destination, 21st century.
As Captain Picard always said…Number 1…Engage!
C’est Le Vie
Love and Kisses,
~~ End ~~

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