Saturday, August 27, 2011

Max Keiser and Alex Jones–on the state of the US Economy and what is coming— —————–

Max Keiser and Alex Jones–on the state of the
US Economy and what is coming—
Friday, August 26, 2011
Max Keiser on Ben Bernanke speech and QE3
There has not been anyone more open and knowledgable about what is going on then Alex Jones, Max Keiser and Ron Paul!!!! the banks are fraudulently ripping off the people! ARE WE THAT STUPID!?!??! Prosecute the banks! Why is this so hard for people to understand!?!?!?! People are so brainwashed by their tv and cell phones that they cant see the world for what it really is evil.God has been rejected by most the world and evil runs rampid.I pray that people will get up and speak against the banking cartel.Violence is not the answer, be wise as a serpent harmless as a dove. I hope everyone is cashing out, and taking physical delivery of gold and silver. ! time is almost up!

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