Friday, August 26, 2011

earthquake warning

   This is my advisement about Five Great Quakes to rock the US East Coast between September 4 and 10.
   This report provides additional details, building on the base core of information from Star Nations already, and relayed by Star Person-Incarnate Fran about there being five big quakes along the Appalachian Mountain chain in early September, and the dates of each.
   I have attached to this message a satellite photo map of the Five Great Quakes, with push pins identifying the epicenter of each one.
   First I will provide data I've developed by psychic "future-reading" of the energy signature of each Quake, and then I will follow all that with a few overall comments about potential impacts, and about Mother Earth's intentions.
   Great Quake #1: Sunday, Sept. 4, magnitude 8.1. Epicenter around Harmony, North Carolina 28634, GPS coordinates: 36 degrees, 57', 32.07" North Latitude; 80 degrees, 46', 14.45" West Longitude.
   This is 22 miles west-southwest of Winston-Salem, NC. The epicenter is also 300 miles west of Naval Station Norfolk, VA; and 350 miles southwest of Washington, DC.
   Great Quake #2: Monday, Sept. 5, magnitude 8.2. Epicenter around Petersburg, West Virginia 26847; GPS coordinates: 38 degrees, 59', 46.84" N Lat.; 79 degrees, 7', 28.56" W Long.
   This is 100 miles due west of Washington, DC.
   Great Quake #3: Tuesday, Sept. 6, magnitude 8.5. Epicenter under High Knob peak on the Virginia-West Virginia State Line, about 20 miles northwest of Harrisonburg, VA 22801; GPS coordinates: 38 degrees, 34', 9.33" N Lat.; 79 degrees, 10', 15.02" W Long.
   This is 90 miles west-southwest of Washington, DC.
   Great Quake #4: Wednesday, Sept. 7, magnitude 9.5. Epicenter 2 miles west of Catawba, Virginia 24070, under VA HWY 311, halfway between Catawba and Brush Mountain; GPS coordinates: 37 degrees, 24', 3.27" N Lat.; 80 degrees, 9', 20.30" W Long.
   This is 8 miles northwest of Roanoke, Virginia. The epicenter is also 200 miles southwest of Washington, DC; and 168 miles east-southeast of Naval Station Norfolk, VA.
   Great Quake # 5: Saturday, Sept. 10, magnitude 8.2. Epicenter under Harmon Rocks peak, 5 miles northwest of Franklin, West Virginia 26807, (2/3 of the distance between Franklin and the US 33 & VA 28 highways junction); GPS coordinates: 38 degrees, 42', 32.07" N Lat.; 79 degrees, 24', 17.04" W Long.
   This epicenter is 110 miles west-southwest of Washington, DC.
   In addition to the very powerful shaking these Great Quakes will generate, there is indication that substantial Seiches (inland waterway tidal waves) will develop in Chesapeake Bay (affecting Washington, DC and Baltimore) and in Delaware Bay (affecting Philadelphia), and additional significant Tsunamis  will develop along portions of the U.S. Atlantic Coast, also potentially affecting to some degree New York Bay and Long Island Sound, affecting JFK Airport and low-lying portions of Manhattan.
   The Navy's huge Norfolk Naval Base would be well advised to send its fleets out to sea to ride out the seiches/tsunamis to occur at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay.
   The energy reading I get is that one or more of the Five Great Quakes' energy waves radiating out in Earth's crust will trigger a  reactive massive slope failure of the unstable seaside flank of Cumbre Vieja Volcano in La Palma, Canary Islands, across the Atlantic. Such an enormous seaslide would generate additional westward-heading tsunamis of wave heights of up to 60 meters (roughly 200 feet) high, hitting the coasts of Florida, the outer Caribbean islands and Brazil.
  Cf. research study at:
  Mother Earth is hurting. My close associate Star Person-Incarnate Fran has indicated that this is a natural event, necessary for Gaia/Mother Earth to adjust and equilibrate in the face of the damage done to her, including the epically-ruinous massive mountaintop-removals and other destabilizing coal-mining damage occurring extensively throughout the Appalachians. Thus, these mega-quakes are not something anyone should try to prevent or minimize by psychic means.
   We have to learn to accept that Gaia/Earth Mother needs to adjust herself. And that we need to learn from the natural consequences of our collective human behavior and choices.
   Perhaps this early-September Appalachian Mega-Quake series will be the occasion for us and the U.S. Administration to move dramatically away from reliance on carbon-based fuel and power, including coal, to alternative, less ecologically-harmful energy sources. Or will people miss the meaning of this Appalachian lesson?
  But if the Administration uses these Mega-Quakes as a basis to declassify and begin to release clean, non-polluting Zero Point Energy technology to the public, then all the suffering and property loss that will accompany the Appalachian Great Quakes will not have been in vain.
   The energy indication readings I get also point to this Five Great Quakes Series as an opportunity for the "greatest power in the world", the United States, to learn some humility, to refocus on the essentials, to mobilize its humanity and compassion for those affected, and set aside petty games of "scoring political points".      
   The indications I see also point to the use by Gaia of these Five Quakes to deliver some karmic retribution to the Cabal/Illuminati/Shadow Government. Gaia/Mother Earth will differentially send her shock waves through her crust, making sure that Cabal underground installations receive the most damaging force, and that the underground installations of the "White Hats" in government receive substantially much less force.
   The above Quake Series readings have been made August 25th. Mother Earth can change and shift. So I will be taking additional readings over the next couple weeks until the Quake Series starts, and will post any changes publicly on my website,
   These coming tribulations are part of the Earth Changes portion of the Transition from corrupt Fourth World society to reformed Fifth World society, as foreseen in the oral traditions of countless indigenous peoples.
   As such these Quakes can thus be viewed as birth pains.

   in the light,

   Richard Boylan, Ph.D., Councillor of Earth

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