Friday, August 26, 2011

Author Claims David Carradine’s Father was Ordo Templi Orientis Member

Author Claims David Carradine’s Father was Ordo Templi Orientis Member

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Kurt Nimmo
June 7, 2009
In a response to a review of his book Blood on the Altar: The Secret History of the World’s Most Dangerous Secret Society, author Craig Heimbichner mentions several prominent members of Ordo Templi Orientis, the order of the Temple of the East, or the Order of Oriental Templars, including John Carradine, father of the recently deceased David Carradine who allegedly planned to investigate and disclose secret societies.
John Carradine
John Carradine was allegedly a member of Aleister Crowley’s co-masonic Ordo Templi Orientis.
Martin P. Starr, author of The Unknown God: W.T. Smith and the Thelemites, also claims the elder Carradine was a member of Aleister Crowley’s co-masonic Ordo Templi Orientis.
In Sex and Rockets: The Occult World or Jacks Parson, John Carter and Robert Anton Wilson write that Carradine is said to have read poetry at the opening of the Agapé Lodge of the OTO in Pasadena, California.
OTO draws from the traditions of the Freemasonic, Rosicrucian and Illuminist movements of the 18th and 19th centuries, the crusading Knights Templars of the Middle Ages and early Christian Gnosticism and the Pagan Mystery Schools.
It originated in Germany or Austria between 1895 and 1906. Its apparent founder was Carl Kellner, a wealthy Austrian industrialist and high-grade Mason. Anglo-German tantric occultist Theodor Reuss took control of the OTO after Kellner’s death. Reuss was involved with the Bavarian Order of Illuminati and was also the Grand Master of the Swedenborgian Rite of Freemasonry in Germany. He admitted the English occultist Aleister Crowley to the Order in 1910 and appointed him as the National Grand Master General of the Great Britain and Ireland chapters.
On June 6, Infowars reported on comments made by CNN correspondent Jerry Penacoli on the Larry King Show. Penacoli said the death of John Carradine’s son David “was abnormal, the death was not natural” and the actor “was very interested in investigating and disclosing secret societies.” Carradine was found dead last week in a Bangkok luxury hotel suite.
Carradine’s brother Keith met with with the FBI on Friday to encourage a federal probe, according to family attorney Mark Geragos.
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