Thursday, June 9, 2011

this is a great site on global settlements and much more .

this is a great site on global settlements and much more .
bix wier said they were legit investors .
I really encourage you to listen to this call. It’s a bit involved, but this is having your finger on the pulse of the enormous global monetary system changes!
Although there is no spiritual or Ascension element in this conversation (it’s pretty 3D), it is real-time information about the world global settlements. These guys also are obviously on the same page re the general money fraud, fiat currency, Fed Reserve, Illuminati, unfair taxes, etc.
Btw, how can one family (Rothschilds) be worth $200 trillion? HUH??? Leuren Moret, whistleblowing scientist said the Queen owns $330 trillion of land. So it does seem that Leuren is right – just a handful of people actually own the world. That’s why these prosperity programs have got to happen – we have to have wealth distributed. NOONE needs even loads of millions, let alone trillions. GREED must be outed in these people who can only have accumulated such wealth by ripping others off illegally (and I don’t think that’s exaggerating facts), they must be tried for crimes, and the common man must be given a fair share so that people are externally equal, to mirror the truth of our internal equality, as it were. Noone needs to live in a house lined with gold and diamonds. And this world should not have a few ‘haves’ whilst the majority are paupers. Most people know this. But the ‘haves’ may resist.

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