Thursday, June 9, 2011

Message to those who are working for the dark cabal:

Message to those who are working for the dark cabal:
“……what is the alien agenda?
Mankind is being enslaved by non-human forces who are ……. superior to us……Their ultimate goal is to assimilate us into their fascist empire and parasitically exploit us…
……..why don’t hostile alien forces just take over the planet?

……..Cosmic tyrants…. seek to assimilate entire worlds ……. Their preferred method of subversion is to create elite among the population who do the dirty work of enslaving the rest ……………………..they prefer we willingly hand over our collective freewill…. They make their victims dig their own graves.
….the secret government …. is just a global version of the “sonderkommando”, the elite squads of Jews the Nazis selected from among the concentration camp population to control and execute their own people…………the sonderkommando were quickly discarded once they finished serving their purpose, and the secret government faces a similar fate once the alien invasion is complete.
Don’t members of the secret government know they’re being deceived?
In a negative hierarchy, all subordinates are in some way duped by their superiors ………. It is the wishful nature of such individuals to think they share the top of the food chain. Other members are forced to uphold their allegiance due to blackmail, oath, or mind programming……………….While these factors keep the hierarchy together, they also serve as its undoing when the control system …… becomes unstable. Pressured members will betray their superiors ….. and ambitious members ….. initiate a …. power grab …… thus weakening its structure to the point of implosion….
Is this why the secret government will eventually be discarded?
Partly. Primary reason is that the secret government is useful as the singular scapegoat upon whom to …… pin all crimes against humanity …… By disposing the scapegoat….., alien hands are washed clean ….. to be presented as saviors………….
The other reason is that ……. upcoming earth changes and other factors ….. threaten to destabilize the control system…………..
……….alien forces see the secret government as unreliable during such times and unnecessary in the period that follows. They will be among the first to be eliminated, because they would otherwise be the first to resist the alien presence by using ….. technology they have been given … to perpetuate their own survival ….. The final phase of the alien agenda has no room for human elite, and any promises given them now about survival in a post-cataclysmic future are lies used to bargain their allegiance.

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