Sunday, June 12, 2011

7 Steps To Survive The Coming Economic Collapse From Water Shortage to Cannibalism

7 Steps To Survive The Coming Economic Collapse From Water Shortage to Cannibalism

Fri Jun 10 2011 09:04
You may deny it all you want just like the mainstream media and the government is doing. The truth is with the mounting national debt and annual deficit rising it is mathematically impossible for the US to not head for a collapse. The 7 deadliest sins the US has done are to blame for the coming collapse. These are “sins” that the government committed which the people now has to suffer from.
Many economists and successful international investors are warning the people that the worst is yet to come. Even though the stock market has shown an increase and the gold price has dropped to below the US$1,200 an ounce level, investors such as Jim Rogers and Marc Faber do not easily buy the good news. The have not changed their opinion. The ultimate economic collapse IS still coming.

Forecasters such as Gerald Celente has been warning the people and urged them to forget about hope and change and immediately switch into survival mode. What you can do now is to dream on and hope that the government is going to save you or anticipate for the worst and prepare for your family’s survival through the coming economic storm.
If you think it is wise to prepare for survival, read on. Below are 7 steps for you to take:
1. Get rid of your debt and downsize
The reason why the credit crunch is happening in the first place is because Americans have incredibly out of control spending habit. Whether it is the government that is spending money on wars they can not afford or the individual that is living on luxurious lifestyle that they can not pay for, the spirit of greed and consuming is great there.
If you want to survive the economic collapse, you will need all the money that you already have now or will be earning in the future. You will not want to be using your money to make already rich people richer, such as your lender or the designer stores, while you struggle to get food on the table for your family.
Before the economic storm comes, which will be very soon, make sure you fight your way out of debt. Once you have gotten rid of all your liabilities, learn to live within your means. Cut down your spending and don’t throw your money on things unnecessary. As much as you can find ways to save your money, such as selling your car for something that is much more fuel-efficient, or using tools at home that are more energy efficient which will save you money in the long run. Here is a website I found informative to help you find ways to make your home more energy and money saving. Click here.
2. Spend your money on essential things
The video below shows an event not so long ago that should be considered as a “preview” of the coming economic collapse due to hyperinflation. Sit down with your family and watch the video with them together. Discuss with them what essentials you should be spending on when a collapse like that happens in the whole country.
A very informative video I have attached at the bottom of this post suggest that you spend your money only on essentials such as food, water, blanket, soap and duck tape. It is also a good idea to invest in a water purification system, first aid kit and fishing tackle. If you are paying rent for your housing, you might want to consider moving back with your parents and consolidate, share the cost of living and use less of what you are used to using now.
3. Grow your own food
There will be times when there is food shortage. It may also happen that food is available but there will not be any money to pay for it. What you can do now is start your own little farm to grow your own food. Can your food as much as possible and buy food that can be easily stored for a long time. If possible you may also consider living near a river or forest where you can fish or hunt.
It will be difficult for you to grow your own food if you live in the city. When there is food shortage people living in the farming states will be the ones who will survive. The people in the cities will most likely see food riot and violence amongst the people, fighting for food. Desperate measures may have to be taken during these times, so consider ways to protect your family.
4. Bond and unite with your neighbors – Cannibalism alert during food shortage
It is easier to buy locks and guns to protect your family during desperate times when there is food shortage. But what lasts longer and keeps your neighborhood safe long enough for you and your family is to bond with your immediate community and unite to cooperate and watch each others’ back. Crime rates will increase during this time and you might want to ally with your neighbors to defend your neighborhood from criminals instead of shooting and killing each other for food.
Be also forewarned that because of food shortage and starvation, cases of cannibalism will also emerge. History teaches us that great famine and starvation has triggered people to feed on each other.
  • Between 1315-1317 in Europe, it was a period of great famine marked by extreme levels of crime, disease, mass death and cannibalism.
  • During the Starving Time between 1609-1610, colonists in colonial Jamestown in Virginia resorted to cannibalism as the food supplies diminished.
  • A group of American pioneers, known as the Donner-Reed Party, who set out to California between 1846-1847 was stuck in a winter of starvation and hunger, causing some of the settlers to resort to cannibalism.
  • Between 1920-1921 during the famine in the Soviet Union, hunger caused its people to eat each others flesh which eventually led to a widespread cannibalism.
  • If you read the Bible in the Book of Isaiah chapter 19, you will also see that famine has caused the Israelite to eat their own daughters and sons.
The best thing you can do is bond with you neighbors and watch each others back. What you want to avoid is fighting and shooting each other instead of fighting criminals and cannibals.
5. Prepare your first-aid kit
Put together a basic first-aid kit for emergencies. Include bandages, pain relievers, cold packs, and alcohol, and keep the kit in a secure place. You will never know what will be and will not be available in stores during the economic collapse. Knowing that you have your first-aid kit ready in your home, will give you a peace of mind.
6. Sell everything that is unnecessary
If you look around you and pay attention to the things that you have bought and are sitting in your home, you may realize that there are a lot of things that is and will be unnecessary for you to keep. What Americans have in their possession is usually way more than what they actually need. In the coming greatest depression you will come to a point that all you really need is to have food on the table. Nothing else will matter.
While things are still bearable, sort out the things that you don’t need that is in your possession, sell them and exchange them with things that you will need the most in the near future during the economic storm.
7. Exchange your paper money with more valuable asset
The US dollar is losing its value and at some point in the future it will be only worth the paper it is written on. Although you still need to keep some cash in your hand, it is important to invest in precious metal such as gold and silver but also in vegetable seed and commodities. Personally I prefer to buy physical gold or silver but it is also necessary to invest in your own garden to grow your food.
I have found an excellent video that sums up the 7 steps above in a 1-minute video. Watch it below:


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