Saturday, April 23, 2011

Posted Today, 03:14 PM Call with Tony, Grip, Grip's wifr RE: About the Smart Cards to Clarify them

[6:17:12 PM] *mike**nesaranowwon**: [6:17 PM] mikez:

<<< Tony's Call

Posted Today, 03:14 PM
Call with Tony, Grip, Grip's wifr

RE: About the Smart Cards to Clarify them

Tony: How many people were in chat - let's give them a few minutes to get here.
Hold on.

Look this call is not being recorded so you will have to tell everyone else. Dan has got to go and will say one quick thing.

Dan:Just got a call from some guys back east. You know earlier I was trying to be careful. This came from a very strong sources. Monday looks really strong. Wish I could tell you more but can't. If you knew the details you would know why I am turning a little bit. A pretty good call. I am feeling pretty good. I have to get back to company.

If I could I would tell all you guys. Not from a banker it is from an agency within the US that I feel very very confident about. Not a banker or I wouldn't tell you.

Tony: - hold on one second... Ok you ready? 450+ people on here. I was just doing this call, even though Dan did call me to say he is feeling a whole lot better.

What i was trying to explain - we had a guy in iraq who had a smart card... not the card that u s service people get. We hold nonths ago that it would be loaded with 250 dinars. Our guy on the ground was told that I got equievalient to $1100 usd and it was just the fiorst payment. The equivcalent of isd. There are mno more USD being used in iraq.. all usd has been pulled out. USD isn't used over there anymore.

He got paiud in dinar what equals 1100 usd. So iof the said the were foing to load it with 250. Waiting for a guy to gall me back. If that's what they did then it is $4 something right? Make sense?

Grip - think you cleared that up.

Tony - Divide the 2.50 by 1100. We have a bank in Dubai that said they were flashing the $4.24 rate. Makes sense to me.

Tony: Ac ouple of months ago they said would be loaded with 250 dinar. If they gave the guy the equivalent of $1100 with 250 dinars that would be the equivalent of $4 and something. That would be the rate.

Tony - CM got some confirming information. Can;t say where got it from. He feels different than he did this am can't say because of the source. Confident that we may see this on Monday.

I have not seen any pamphlets being given to the people regarding the 3 000s etc that Shabibi talked about.

? How does source know that the dinars on the card are equivalent of $1100?

Had dinner with the guy who got the card who said he got equivalent of $1100 USD and that was only the first payment. Guy should be back tomorrow and will let us know exactly how many dinars that was. This is a contractor in Iraq.

Wanted to make sure everyone understood what we were saying this morning. When Check is done with his family we will give a call to his source that changed his mind. We will do a call if there is more to say. I am always excited because I one that hears all the good news. And put all the pieces together. As I said this I am the country cannot operate with no currency on the streets. People say that there are some people who have currency... so what out of a million people even if 10,000 people have them... is that enough? No. People are also hoarding them thinking they will be more valuable. A country cannot operate with a limited number of bills.

Grip - At some point in time they will have to make a move.

Tony - Trying to say for us to use some common sense. At some point good old fashioned economics comes into it.

Happy Easter!

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