Sunday, April 24, 2011


Greetings and Salutations,

Happy Easter you all! I gotta call last night to speak one more time to warn you, the charlatans are already busy getting ready to pick your pockets, if you let them. Whether some readers know this is real, you can be sure they do and they will be attacking your ignorance. Fortunately, you will be accessing directly into a trust and the person at the bank is a representative of that trust, their job depends on treating you right. They already know where the funds are coming from so don't worry about blowing your non disclosure with them, they'll have you sign one anyhow. Feel free to let them know where your interests are in helping out, they will pass the info back upstairs and perhaps you'll be called back to look at an offer where you can assist in the big picture.

Yep Bernanke is holding his first news conference on weds which should prove to be most interesting in view of all this revaluing of currencies in this world. The FRN is getting it's butt kicked out here and something needs to be done about it. The price of gold tells you what time it is because that price reflects the the dollars worth. Gold is priced on the dollar, remember when it was $35 an oz before we were taken off the gold standard in '72? Well we are going back to the precious metal standard as the new global banking system is based on . People have been pushing the river about the the dinar, what is it being revalued against, what's the standard? No one seems to be going there, it has to be something other than a devaluing dollar.

By the way, the st. germain foundation met with the eastern dragons in dec 09 and jan 10 and forged a union because their purpose was the same, 'shifting the wealth of the world' and they are open and ready for business. It is they who'll be gifting you, that's why it was put together in the first place. There is much frustration and anger out here so it sooo important to exercise caution, not to the point of paranoia but commonsense wise. Don't be running around with big knots in your pocket and getting attention with a bunch of body guards. Most really wealthy people you don't notice publicly because they exercise that caution. Carrying themselves in such a way as to not draw attention. Some are angry because they believed themselves more important  than what anybody upstairs thought they were. So they got their noses out of joint. The common man is first, that's the way it is. It is they who they entrusted with spreading the wealth, not they who borrowed and failed to pay back...or as it was put to me, because 'they didn't share'.Wealth will not get you thru the gates of heaven, what's God need money for? Can't buy a 'stairway to Heaven'. Help some poor unfortunate one, that goes a lot further in the 'good works' category.

Folks like to say, everybody is lying to them. They aren't lying, they just aren't telling you everything because extreme caution had to be exercised to get this done.  Did you think for a second they'd tell everything, it's clear some folks can't keep their mouths shut when they are told something, that's why they are making all of you sign a non disclosure, somethings are just nobody else's business. Learn to live that way and stop with the billboarding. You can't get thru the door with a huge head. Take me off the barby, I'm done. See ya out there somewhere. Good luck in whatever your life's pursuit. And Casper I hope your health improves quickly.

Love, Kisses, and Blessings,


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