Friday, April 22, 2011

Only one man now stands between humanity and freedom: Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the Black Pope

"OK, now I understand the axe you grind: you worked for CPS.
GA State Senator Nancy Schaeffer, suicided with her husband, revealed alot of stuff, among them how we are no different in today’s supposedly advanced society than how we were when the Kings could legally sanction rape through Primae Noctus and how they could take any child without due process. I’m not accusing you of that personally.
CPS is unnecessary: the sheriffs can handle cases of child abuse through due process. If you read the NISMARCT study from the Dept. of Justice, you would see that hundreds of thousands of children go unaccounted for. I have friends who work for CPS and they are not aware of this: HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of children go unaccounted in this system.
I suggest you read the Bill of Rights, specifically the fourth amendment. It’s there to prevent the abuses of Kings and the SMO’s (sick mutha uckas) who run this society.
If you support abolition of the 4th amendment, which is proclaimed through CPS, let it be known.
Are you dense enough to think that if such a structure as CCPS can exist, that pedophiles will infiltrate it? Well, tthey have: in droves. Deal with it."

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