Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Only one man now stands between humanity and freedom: Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the Black Pope

Only one man now stands between humanity and freedom: Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the Black Pope: "Re: Comment by travelman on April 21, 2011 @ 12:11 pm
>Today, I delivered some info to Gus in this forum that might be
>of help … along with additional resources. Nobody said anything
>about which is fine but the info was delivered and if you want
>to make a difference on the Chemtrail issue research that will
>make a difference for all bloggers and the absolute truth …
Why didn’t I respond? Because that was posted last month. I re-posted that particular article a couple of weeks ago, but got the usual response, which was a yawn. The proof may be there, but few are interested in even looking at the evidence, they simply don’t care. It took me months to convince my own wife that they were real, and she still doesn’t grasp the significance behind them now that she realizes they are actually there.
It is going to take something big, something that affects the daily lives of average couch potato before they will even “want” to look into it more. The Japan incident was big, but the MSM played it off well enough to keep 99.9% of the world asleep.
Comment by XL on April 21, 2011 @ 12:36 pm"

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