Saturday, April 16, 2011

On Monday, March 21st, the Supreme Court gave the Federal Reserve two weeks to reveal where all the money has gone since November 2008. Was the Japan disaster an attack -- to threaten the world into submission and hopefully stop the audit?

On Monday, March 21st, the Supreme Court gave the Federal Reserve two weeks to reveal where all the money has gone since November 2008. Was the Japan disaster an attack -- to threaten the world into submission and hopefully stop the audit?


I have been deeply and permanently affected by the Japan earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. We cannot look backward. We must keep moving forward, with the bravery and vigilance necessary to seek the truth -- and use it.
In October 2003, I did a three-and-a-half-week tour of Japan to promote a limited printing run of my first book The Shift of the Ages in Japanese. I saw many beautiful places in a very short period of time. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life.
One of my stops was in Sendai -- an incredibly magical and enchanted place. I visited sylvan Shinto shrines there, and I could feel the presence of these ancient epochs of history.

The people had allegedly been in contact with benevolent 'Gods' who came from Anemono Toribune, or "Flying Boats from the Universe." Quiet, magnificent temples were built at the exact spots where contact had apparently occurred.
No one speaks -- but I was allowed to play my Native American flute. Deep. Haunting. Melodious. Honorable. Whispers of ancient promises long forgotten, but never abandoned. Those who had gathered around me were moved to tears.
It was extremely difficult for me to see images of Sendai and other Japanese cities having been so utterly destroyed. There is probably nothing left of those beautiful places where I once stood and offered my song to the ancestors of Japan.
My heart goes out to the victims of this terrible catastrophe.
All my defenses came down. I had to let myself cry.

I could not bring myself to watch most of the videos of mass destruction that were being released.
The media saturates us with images of disasters when these things happen. After 9/11, I watched the planes hitting the towers, and the towers falling down, so many times that I eventually became numb.
In this case I hardly watched anything. And I kept the sound down when I did.

Right as this horrific disaster was unfolding, all my final-final deadlines for my book with Penguin had come due.
Everything I had worked for, after all these years, had reached its critical moment -- and my "child" now desperately needed my full and undivided attention.
Despite how overwhelmed I was feeling, and the hundreds of letters requesting I write something about this disaster immediately, I stayed in there and I finished the job.
If I had avoided my responsibility, critical flaws would have appeared in the final version. Flaws I had the power to prevent. Flaws I would have to live with for the rest of my life -- forever questioning whether I had done the right thing.
It was a very tough call -- but I decided that the greater good would be served by completing my epic work when it needed me most.
I still haven't had the opportunity to go back and appreciate the finished product with a fresh perspective -- as experiencer rather than creator -- but I very much look forward to it, as I have no regrets.

Looking back now, I do feel that The Source Field Investigations vastly outmatches any other video, article, lecture or book I've ever done -- in terms of the scope, depth and power of the verifiable scientific material I put together.
It presents many new and unprecedented keys to unlock the mysteries of ancient science. We can create the Golden Age so many prophecies foretold... as we move through this period of great difficulty into the wonders that lie beyond.
I'm not asking you to believe that a Golden Age will happen after 2012.
I spread out the blueprints and show you exactly how we are going to get there.
The Ancients left us all the puzzle pieces we need.

First we have to find these pieces -- which I have been locating and collecting for more than 30 years now. Then we have to sort through them, put the very best of them together, and explore what we've got.
If we do this thoroughly enough, we can fix all the mistakes and wrong turns we have made in science -- for the last 400 years.
These mistakes have held us back from understanding extraterrestrial humans and their greatest secrets -- free energy, gravity shielding, instantaneous healing, stargate 'portal' technology -- both natural and artificial -- and time travel.
Nothing is outside our grasp once we understand how the Universe really works. The Golden Age that awaits us is beyond the capacity of most people's ability to even imagine.
We do have some significant difficulty to work through before we get there -- but I believe we're moving through some of the worst of it right now.
That's why I took the time to write this article for you to read, think about and consider -- rather than a small, insignificant update or teaser.

Japan was a reality. Not special effects. Not CG. Not a movie. Real people. Real suffering.
I can't change the fact that it happened. All I can do is look within myself. If I like what I see, that's great. If not, I can change it.
As I raced to finish the book, I also spent time in deep meditation and really crystallized my focus on who I am, why I am here and what all of this really means -- both for myself and for humanity.

Right after the Japan disaster, rapper 50 Cent was widely chastised for writing a series of insensitive 'tweets' about what had happened. Many people feel the need to make jokes in order to process such an overwhelming tragedy.
50 Cent was also the only celebrity, thus far, to verbalize something that has obviously been on everyone's mind since then -- whether they like it or not:
"Man they made a movie about all this 2012 now you think that was a lucky guess?"

What do the 2012 prophecies really foretell? Was Japan just a brief glimmer of something that will soon be much worse?
Is there any Divine power in the Universe that is looking out for us? Or, were all these ancient prophecies merely intended to give us plenty of advance notice of when we were all going to die?
I believe there is great significance to the 2012 prophecies -- and it goes far beyond the limited, myopic "doom and gloom" perspective that is so rampant on the Internet as well as in mainstream media.
In fact, the science I present in The Source Field Investigations, as well as my upcoming Hollywood film CONVERGENCE,  emphatically proves that the worst thing we can do for the Earth -- and for our own future -- is to indulge in fear and paranoia. 
A new disaster like this only further emphasizes the importance of using the knowledge we have -- and seeking our own answers rather than relying on blind faith.
However, before we discuss the potential significance of this event, and its implications, many people are obviously very concerned about the potential of radiation poisoning -- and / or additional catastrophes that may take place.

On a physical level, no one can be sure of anything. That's what is so scary right now.
Do we really know if they will be able to cool down all the reactors? Unfortunately not. However, I do believe there has been a great deal of irresponsible fear-mongering on the Internet, as always.
On a metaphysical level, I published a prophecy on this website that something as big and as scary as the BP oil spill was about to happen -- imminently -- but that we would indeed get through it.
Like the BP oil spill, I said that this event would scare the crap out of everybody, and lead to all sorts of paranoia and fear.
Like the BP oil spill, I also said this event would ultimately not be anywhere near as globally destructive as people feared it would be -- certainly not an "Extinction-Level Event."

Two weeks later, this prophecy came true.
I have eighteen years of experience writing my dreams down every morning and analyzing them. I have had hundreds, if not thousands of stunningly accurate prophecies come through as a result of this practice.
My point in telling you this is not to brag about psychic ability. Those who wish to snicker and laugh do so out of fear and sorrow, which they may not even be fully conscious of -- and hardly anything, short of a jarring event of this scope and magnitude, will convince them to change their opinions.
The prophecy clearly said these events will not destroy the planet. Instead, they may be one of the final trigger-points we need to generate a mass, worldwide spiritual awakening -- and a final defeat of the negative forces that have been strangling us.
In this case, I only published a handful of dreams from a much larger mosaic of data that has been coming in since at least 1996 -- giving me a wide variety of clues about the events that are happening right now.
When I write you these articles, I am drawing off of that entire mosaic -- not just the few isolated pieces I happened to publish before certain parts of the overall vision came true.
That mosaic of data also includes the testimony of a variety of real-world 'insiders' who have established trust and credibility with me -- and have consistently passed along useful information that later proved verifiable and correct. 

I published the prophecy on February 23, 2011 -- just two weeks before the quake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. About 45,000 people read it on my site before the event actually happened -- and you may have been one of them.
In order to avoid sensationalizing my prophecy, I called the article "Bouncing Back from Hack Attack" -- a playful combination of my recovery from a month-long, hacking respiratory virus as well as two very nasty and very powerful cyber-attacks to our website.
The coughing was from fatigue -- due to how hard I was working to finish my book.
The cyber-attacks involved thousands of different computers, each with unique IP addresses, overloading our server with massive numbers of 'hits' per second -- for days and days on end.
Their goal is to make the site load so slowly that no one can get in. Ultimately it groans and crashes.
Apparently after the server has been partially destroyed -- we literally lost two hard drives due to overheating in the first case -- normal security protocols may not work the same way anymore. They then have a chance to gain access and rewrite the website, using the server components that survived.
This is why we found files attempting to transform Divine Cosmos into a trap for unwary travelers to buy watches, handbags and gold at allegedly very cheap prices -- only to get redirected to a foreign, unsecured site that attempts to steal their credit card.
We have taken drastic, time-consuming and expensive measures to build a far more bullet-proof system as a result, and have had to accept certain sacrifices in the process -- such as a much faster cutoff time once I've logged in.

After I wrote the prophecy and the quake actually happened, a third massive attack hit our server during our Dallas Convergence -- in the immediate aftermath of the disaster.
Once again, this knocked us out of service -- and it took us nearly a week to rebuild the website. Even if I had the time to write about Japan, I could not. One wrong move in the rebuilding process could quickly collapse us all over again -- so it was very difficult work.
Each one of these attacks started while we were doing a conference -- where we had the least available time to address it. And, in each case, dire-sounding messages like "Account Suspended" appeared on our site, and nothing else -- sometimes for days at a time -- triggering conspiracy theories and gossip on the Internet.
These attacks appeared to be the work of foreign credit-card thieves -- but now that so many of the things I've been telling you about are coming true, almost faster than I can write them up, I'm not so sure that's all there is to it.
Given the precise timing of the attacks, whoever is conducting them is clearly paying specific attention to us -- which seems to be more trouble than spam-oriented hackers would normally go to.
It would make sense to disguise a high-level 'insider' attack as if it were merely foreign con artists trying to make a buck. Thankfully, we were not financially damaged by the down-time and have now built a much stronger, faster system.

Here's what I posted on February 23, 2011 -- having no idea whether any of this would come true or not. All I knew was that the dreams were so strong that I would be a fool not to say something -- given the accuracy I have experienced so many times before.
In this case I have extracted the most pertinent parts of the written prophecy -- using three periods at the beginning or end of a sentence to mark the cuts -- and bolded certain sentences for emphasis.
I must confess that I have had some very, very intense prophetic dreams lately... and another one this morning.
Typically I don't write about these dreams until after I see what they are leading up to -- but in this case, I have had such a cluster of them in a short time that I do think something may be fairly imminent.
The last time around, this all seemed to be leading up to the Gabrielle Giffords shooting -- and [that] event [happened] very soon after one of the dreams. In this case I believe they are forecasting economic and geo-political events that may be fairly imminent...
[In the third of these dreams,] the scope of damage [I saw] was vast. It had all the hallmarks of the Gulf disaster, only this time it was on land.
I knew this disaster would not be able to be contained for a while, but that ultimately it would be brought under control and everything would be restored...
This morning's dream is predicting something that could shake things up, for a while, as much as the Gulf oil volcano once did.
It's very unusual for me to pass data like this along in advance, but in another case I had a massive dream that Michael Jackson died in my arms of a heart attack -- and a short time later, he did die of a heart attack...
Although Gabrielle Giffords' shooting was part of the story, these dreams appear to be speaking about something bigger that we haven't actually seen yet...

...The message, as always, is to prepare but not to panic. One consistent element of these dreams is that things look bad but there are miraculous ways to get through it that are not visible while it is happening -- at least not to most.
I had the same data during the BP oil spill while everyone was shouting "doom and gloom" on the Internet. I expect that whatever is about to happen will also make people think and say the same things.
Ultimately, this is all part of what we have to go through to pave the way for a better, brighter future.
The negative will not go down without a very hard fight. It does seem that events are reaching a "critical mass" and the next phase is going to hurt, but will be necessary for us all to go through.

The public is very rapidly becoming aware, on a worldwide level, that highly negative forces exist on Earth -- and are manipulating governments, militaries and corporations behind the scenes.
Fear provides a very effective shield against taking this truth in. When you get close to it, if you're not ready for it you feel deeply tired and depressed -- barely able to keep your eyes open -- but then as soon as you do something else, you're fine.
You may also find yourself attacking, shaming and humiliating those who would offer you the information. It's much easier to villify a convenient, local target rather than contemplate a vast, seemingly unstoppable evil.
However, as we move through great tragedy and grief in our lives, we become emotionally sober enough to see the world for what it really is. That may be the single most important reason for why any of this has to happen in the first place.
The malevolent attitude and behavior of Hitler and Mussolini did not disappear after World War II. It now appears to be quite common within certain circles -- although it became far more carefully concealed after the mid-20th century.
These power groups also came in contact with undeniable proof that we are not alone in the Universe -- at least since the 1940s. Many credible witnesses and insiders have verified that the Roswell crash was real -- and live ETs were recovered.
I do feel that anyone who still refuses to believe that intelligently-piloted, super-advanced spacecraft are operating in our skies is suffering from an anxiety disorder -- and should therefore be treated with compassion.

In my opinion, the most useful and far-reaching 'response' to this cover-up happened from 1981 to 1984 -- where a dialogue between Dr. Don Elkins and an allegedly extraterrestrial intelligence calling itself 'Ra' took place over the course of 106 sessions. 
My new book, The Source Field Investigations, validates hundreds of specific, scientific points in this "Law of One" series -- and dramatically expands upon and enhances what we started with in many cases.
Thankfully, after all this work, it's going to be out there for everyone to read as of August 18th -- and can be pre-ordered right now.

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