cfree and pansy,
Devvy Kidd has a dvd about the rigged elections, I believe. It shows in depth how it was proved how the one company’s voting machines could be rigged, and WERE rigged. We can’t even vote our way to constitutional sanity. I am designing a t-shirt that has GOP and Dems in the circle with a slash through. I just haven’t decided on a catchy remark to add to it. If everyone could just vote “other”, it might help…
Devvy Kidd has a dvd about the rigged elections, I believe. It shows in depth how it was proved how the one company’s voting machines could be rigged, and WERE rigged. We can’t even vote our way to constitutional sanity. I am designing a t-shirt that has GOP and Dems in the circle with a slash through. I just haven’t decided on a catchy remark to add to it. If everyone could just vote “other”, it might help…
The PPJ Gazette
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April 18, 2011 by ppjg
™ PPJ Gazette™ PPJG ™ PPJ including copyright ©Feeds:PostsComments« Truth Squad Radio: Whistleblower Sharon Noonan Kramer Exposes Government Corruption, Collusion and FraudHomeland Security: Government sponsored unique “terrorism” »IOWA: Video cameras now lethal weapons: Republican’s launch another attack on your rights
April 18, 2011 by ppjg
Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved
This works out really well……this way, you are prevented from gathering the evidence, producing the evidence and forcing them to acknowledge the evidence. Perfect scenario: Plausible deniability.
_Republicans do it again, CYOAsses_______________________________________________
Iowa is following in Florida’s footsteps and working on passing a bill making it a criminal offense to film or photograph the abuse of animals on farms or in commercial CAFO operations. Apparently it is ok to abuse your animals, to leave them in fetid conditions, or to treat them inhumanely…..Iowa just doesn’t want you documenting that abuse.
Iowa is following in Florida’s footsteps and working on passing a bill making it a criminal offense to film or photograph the abuse of animals on farms or in commercial CAFO operations. Apparently it is ok to abuse your animals, to leave them in fetid conditions, or to treat them inhumanely…..Iowa just doesn’t want you documenting that abuse.
Nine House Democrats joined all of the Republicans present to pass the bill in a 66 to 27 vote on Iowa bill H.R. 589.
Turns out your video camera or camera are now considered lethal weapons…the stuff of terrorism!
In an effort to protect industrialized CAFO operations, and unscrupulous corporate growers, Iowa is standing up to those activist citizens who document the abhorrent conditions on industrialized farms and ranches and also in some privately owned operations, claiming this somehow interferes with, or tampers with the property of another.
11A. “Record” means any printed, inscribed,
visual, or audio information that is placed or stored on a
tangible medium, and that may be accessed in a perceivable
form, including but not limited to any paper or electronic
This means anything recorded on your film or camera that would adversely affect the profits of the person committing the abuse. This includes, video’s, stills, pictures captured on your cell phone or any other documentation.
visual, or audio information that is placed or stored on a
tangible medium, and that may be accessed in a perceivable
form, including but not limited to any paper or electronic
This means anything recorded on your film or camera that would adversely affect the profits of the person committing the abuse. This includes, video’s, stills, pictures captured on your cell phone or any other documentation.
d. Disrupt operations conducted at the animal facility,
if the operations directly relate to agricultural production,
animal maintenance, educational or scientific purposes, or
veterinary care.
if the operations directly relate to agricultural production,
animal maintenance, educational or scientific purposes, or
veterinary care.
IF your pictures highlight the abuse, unsanitary conditions or what is referred to as educational or veterinary…..meaning drug testing, experiments, vivisection research, dissemination of disease for “research” or other inhumane activities under the guise of Education or scientific,……you too could be a unique terrorist with a camera. Animal maintenance is the catch-all phrase that covers abusive treatment, mistreatment, unsanitary conditions and lack of care.
And here is the coup de’ gras
Sec. 9. NEW SECTION. 717A.2A Animal facility interference.
1. A person is guilty of animal facility interference, if
the person acts without the consent of the owner of an animal
facility to willfully do any of the following:
a. (1) Produce a record which reproduces an image or sound
occurring at the animal facility as follows:
(a) The record must be created by the person while at the
animal facility.
(b) The record must be a reproduction of a visual or audio
experience occurring at the animal facility, including but not
limited to a photographic or audio medium.
(2) Possess or distribute a record which produces an image
or sound occurring at the animal facility which was produced as
provided in subparagraph (1)
(3) Subparagraphs (1) and (2) do not apply to an animal
shelter, a boarding kennel, a commercial kennel, a pet shop, or
a pound, all as defined in section 162.2.
1. A person is guilty of animal facility interference, if
the person acts without the consent of the owner of an animal
facility to willfully do any of the following:
a. (1) Produce a record which reproduces an image or sound
occurring at the animal facility as follows:
(a) The record must be created by the person while at the
animal facility.
(b) The record must be a reproduction of a visual or audio
experience occurring at the animal facility, including but not
limited to a photographic or audio medium.
(2) Possess or distribute a record which produces an image
or sound occurring at the animal facility which was produced as
provided in subparagraph (1)
(3) Subparagraphs (1) and (2) do not apply to an animal
shelter, a boarding kennel, a commercial kennel, a pet shop, or
a pound, all as defined in section 162.2.
Wouldn’t the more prudent thing to do here have been to enforce animal cruelty laws? How about all those fake food safety regulations? Would it be too much to ask that a higher, safer standard of animal care be enforced?Rather than criminalizing those who expose the corruption and abuse that occurs routinely in these facilities.
This bill, like so many others we are seeing from the Republican’s is a direct assault on your first amendment rights; your right to free speech. They’ve already attacked workers rights, your right to alternative healthcare and now they want to stop you from documenting the corruption and abuse in corporate farming and livestock operations.
This works out really well……this way, you are prevented from gathering the evidence, producing the evidence and forcing them to acknowledge the evidence. Perfect scenario: Plausible deniability.
YES! Corporate protectionism is alive and well in Iowa! And why wouldn’t it be? This is Tom Vilsack’s home turf, a man, who if he was any closer to Monsanto and other bio-pirates would most likely have to give them their own key to his place. Apparently they already have the keys to Iowa.
Bill HR 589
Roll Call on bill vote
Bill history
Comment by orbs on April 21, 2011 @ 6:24 am
In a slow turn of events, I am coming to the same conclusion. Ben has always said that he was just reporting what he is told. They have said they need money. He is soliciting it for them. I’m sure he believes it is legit.
In a slow turn of events, I am coming to the same conclusion. Ben has always said that he was just reporting what he is told. They have said they need money. He is soliciting it for them. I’m sure he believes it is legit.
I’m still not in a place where I can think this whole thing was a psyop from beginning to end. But I think somebody is using him now.
As for the cognitive dissonance on this board…it takes a while for truth to become reality in mind. And in the meantime there is the social interaction that whiles away the time for a lot of folks here.
I told a friend of mine about your ‘money laundering’ theory. He got pretty excited and went off to check for himself.
This whole thing bums me out. Think I’ll watch to see where it goes.
Right now, I kind of agree with JTGun’s perspective. At the very least we ought to question everything. It was that lack of questioning that has gotten us into this spot.
Anyway, hope you don’t quit writing. You affect people who don’t even answer you because they have to think about it a bit.
Now More Evidence……………………………
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HEALTH fears were raised last night over the use of energy saving lightbulbs after a report claimed they contain cancer causing chemicals.
Manfred Santen chemistry expert from Greenpeace