Saturday, March 12, 2011

World Leaders Send Japan Condolences, Aid
(Associated Press: 1139 PST, March 11, 2011) World leaders on Friday sent condolences and offers of help to Japan after a tsunami spawned by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded slammed the country's eastern coast, killing at least 300. Hundreds more are missing.

Obama: Japan Quake Potentially 'Catastrophic'

(Associated Press: 1003 PST, March 11, 2011) President Barack Obama says the earthquake and tsunami in Japan are a potentially 'catastrophic' disaster, and he says his thoughts and prayers are with the Japanese people.


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Comparing Japan's Quake to Other Recent Events
(Associated Press: 0915 PST, March 11, 2011) The 8.9 magnitude earthquake that struck Japan was one of the strongest ever recorded. But other very powerful quakes have happened in recent years.


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Hundreds Killed in Tsunami After 8.9 Japan Quake
(Associated Press: 0842 PST, March 11, 2011) A ferocious tsunami spawned by one of the largest earthquakes on record slammed Japan's eastern coast Friday, killing hundreds of people as it swept away ships, cars, and homes.

Boats Swept Away by Tsunami

(ITN News: 0544 PST, March 11, 2011) Shipping around Japan's eastern coast has been battered by monster waves.


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Massive 8.9 Quake Hits Japan
(Al Jazeera English: March 10, 2011, 2300 PT) Al Jazeera English is reporitng that a massive 8.9 quake has hit approximately 125km off the coast of Japan, causing substantial tidal waves in some areas. Local Japanese stations aired footage of cars and trucks being washed away by rising tides.

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