Monday, March 28, 2011

US CORPORATION is not the consitutional government for the people.

To all, the US CORPORATION is not the consitutional government for the people. The US CORPORATION is owned by the banking cartel. They introduce Democracy to countries to gain control as they did in America. Democracy always leads to a oligarchy, a rule by a few! That is why America’s founding fathers established a republic form of governance. The Civil War in America was created (false flag) and through the process the constitution “for” the united States of America… was usurped and our orginial organic constitution was layered over with their constitution “of” the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, note the capital lettering. Democracy is a key word they use as a snare to enslave people over time. A republic is based on law of the land, common law or natural law. Our republic was restored to us last year and all the states are ratifed and we are now working at the county levels to bring the power back under the control of the people. It was only a republic by, for and of the people for about 100 years before it wss usurped. Washington D.C. is foreign soil within our land and is owned by the IMF. American’s believe the IRS was a US entity and just found out after the restoraton of our republic that it extracts taxes from all the nations around the world. The news media is controlled as you all know so we have to use internet resources along with personal contact to get this news out to the American people, most of the population do not know yet that our constitutional government had been usurped by the Corporation US. They also enslaved us through debt by adhesion contracts and making us US citizens by fraudulent means. and my state check them out and if you know any Americans or those that are on here please come over to the republic so we can get our numbers up to take control of our country, this is being done peaceably and lawfully. The US Corporation is doing all they can to get an uprising in our country so they can bring in the UN troops, this us why they are taking the unions, stripping the elderly of their benefits they “paid into” all their lives. Please get the word out to whomever you can that our republic is restored and we’re diligently getting the word out to populate our republic, it is lawful and peaceful…God Bless America and the all the other nations too. The republic stands in untiy with the rest of the world hoping for peace abd prosperity.

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