Monday, March 28, 2011

merek to hopereturns

Hope….”Now Merek…may God forgive you by His Grace.
Open your heart Merek.
What if you are wrong?
Hope I was about to ask you the same question, Glad you read Enoch and were impressed ,now read the library of Catholic church rejected gospels and the Nag Hamadi, the translations of the Essene documents, The writings of the early Church fathers, And all will be made clear for you .
The Gospels stated that Jesus Christ was a Galilean (Matt.26:70) with 12 followers but that he was in reality one Judas Khrestus >Josephus , the only Jewish historian
to mention Khrestus by name ,called the followers of Khrestus” his disciples” and the Spanish born Roman Governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate asserted(Luke 23:5) that the Galileans were rabble rousers that were sturring up the people , Judas Khrestus exclaimed that ” I have come not
to bring peace,but a sword and instructed his followers to
equip themselves with clubs and swords .( luke 22:36). As a radical anti roman jew it is easy to understand why a so called simple itinerant rabbi was hauled before the Roman authorities and crucified.
Later the church presented those self same anti Roman radicals as “pious” apostles” of one, Jesus Christ, however they were not the followers of Judas Krestus twin brother ,Rabbi Jesus. but in reality ,the anti Roman militia of Judas Khrestus,called Khrestians . ” they were a poor and dirty set, without manners, clad in filthy robes and smelling strongly of garlic “( on the developement of the Christian church; Ernest Renan of the French academy ,1880.)
Hope ,you need to further your biblical education and I for one am very happy you are branching out to the many texts rejected by the Roman Church and basically unknown to current Fundamentalist Christians regarding Jesus .
“Cognoscere est cognoscere causas;” to know the origin
is to know it all”
Regarding Jesus’s message to future Christians to come , “Many shall hear but few will understand” .
It’s great you are exploring the texts rejected by the bible transcribers like the Enochian texts, it is pre Judaic and Sumerian in origin.
However If you want to preach the word accurately, it is nessessary to really become educated in the accurate histories of Christianity, it often requires a life time of study.
It is not just enough to quote the KJV as it is full of Illumanati clap trap and miracles
not found in the earliest versions of the Christian Bibles .
Am I wasting my precious time trying to broaden your perspectives?…..Please ,oh pretty please do some more deep study before becoming our Blog self appointed expert on Christs messages and meanings or whose souls are in danger.
And now to quote Thumper ,”If you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all!
Seek and you will find ,Knock and the door will be opened for you . In other words don’t just take a preachers word or the KJV for it when it comes to individual Christian understandings.
you will only grow in wisdom by cracking all the texts rejected by the Paulinians. Until then please don’t be so opinionated and cock sure that God Almighty is using you for a conduet of heavenly wisdom to we poor souls.

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