Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lighten Your Burden

MARCH 17, 2011
by sassycondiments
We left off with the formation of the beginning of you new neighborhood community so we will pick up there.  Once the nucleus of the community is formed, about 2/3’s of the people will remain active.  You will find it a pretty full time job keeping things together, so the more dedicated members you have the better.
Form committees in the same form as a small town, elect a mayor and council of at least 6 people, but be sure to give everyone an active roll.  
Form Committees
You will find enough work for everyone.  
The following is a “Quick List” of things that would be good to have.

Safety Committee:
to observe, patrol, and alert the neighborhood of possible danger, or safety issues.
Community Garden Committee:
locate a place for a community garden for those who don’t have available space. 
Establish Safe Houses:
several houses scattered around the neighborhood where kids or people can gather if needed in and emergency or unusual circumstances.
Community Water Committee
to create and maintain a good source of clean water.  (An independent community water-well would be a very good idea.)
Emergency Food
organize food storage for emergencies.
There are other committees you can come up with, but aside from these, develop the talents of the residence of the neighborhood;  a mechanic, plumber, electrician, baker, barber, health care, teachers, tinkerer, entertainer, dress or clothing maker, and many more talents found in your community will amaze you.
It’s not being suggested people give their service free, except in a situation of emergency.  What is being suggested is that each person exchanges their talents for those of someone else.  This in itself can reduce the cost of living for the entire community by a great deal.
The next person to consider is a guy found in every neighborhood, the one many of you have been trying to get rid of for years.  He is the guy that sees every piece of junk as treasure, and probably has a future use planned for every piece of it.  It will absolutely amaze you what this guy can do with an old bicycle, a car alternator, or a discarded old car battery.  I the case of a Hurricane Katrina, or the Japanese type disaster this person could be the most important person in the neighborhood.
The key to any successful organization or group is…
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Neighborhood Gardening

MARCH 11, 2011
by sassycondiments
A neighborhood garden is a great idea.  With a traditional garden, it takes about one acre to support a family of four 100%.  Those who can’t afford to contribute to the cost can contribute some labor.  Lots of weeds in a large garden, if you have ever tended a large garden, you will remember how quickly they grow. 
There are now alternative ways to garden.  You can grow vertically, teaching vining plants such as cucumbers climb.  I have even grown pumpkins vertically. 
Square foot gardening is traditionally raised in beds.  There is less weeding in square food gardening. 
Another option would be straw bale gardening.  You actually plant in the straw.  This is great if you have clay soil or even place the bales on the patio.
With careful planning, you will find you will be able to plant more in the space you do have.  You will also find more places you can plant.  Plant veggies in your flower beds.  Plant hanging baskets of strawberries.  Let your mind wander.  Then research.  Experiment.
Neighborhood canning equipment, a neighbor dehydrator, and a secure place to store the products are just a few items to consider.  These are all great assets.  Regardless of what the future brings, the greatest asset is you are now neighbors as neighbors were meant to be.  Welcome back to the future of this great land.

Your Neighborhood Mini Government

MARCH 10, 2011
by sassycondiments
Set up a neighborhood mini government and hold monthly meetings.  Never hold closed meetings, make every one welcome and a part.  Organize a neighborhood watch.  Organizing a neighborhood guard group is not a bad idea, after all you are now a community.
There are a multitude of ways you can do this.  If creating time for a meeting is difficult, try having a pot luck dinner.  We all need to eat.  Food brings people together and creates a setting for being “neighborly”.
Discuss the current needs in your neighborhood.  Consider the ongoing problems and come up with viable solutions to reverse the situation.   Keep it small.
Your neighbors may feel the need to set up some type of structured government.  Remember, government was intended to be run from the bottom up, not the top down.  This is what you will be establishing in  your neighborhood.
Feel free to contact the local Sheriff.  He or she is the ultimate law of the land.  Let him know what you are doing.  He may also be able to provide you with suggestions.
My thoughts on bringing in the Sheriff  are positive but I would highly suggest you present him with a book written by Sheriff  Richard Mack, America’s Last Hope.  Not only will this be an educational tool for him, but you will be presenting him with a gift showing your appreciation.
Note:  You can find America’s Last Hope athttp://www.sheriffmack.com/index.php/books-by-richard-mack

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