Monday, March 28, 2011

Libyan Rebels Make Sweeping Gains By Keith Laidlaw

Libyan Rebels Make Sweeping Gains
(Al Jazeera English: 0648 PST, March 28, 2011) The rebels continue to advance towards Sirte. They have swept along the coast claiming town after town. At each place, there have been celebrations before the convoy moves on.

There has been no fighting. Gaddafi forces have melted away, leaving behind weapons the rebels have gratefully snapped up. One of those involved in the surge says for many taking Tripoli is now the only thing that matters.


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Syrian Protesters Call for Freedom, Justice
(Al Jazeera English: 0516 PST, March 25, 2011) Protesters calling for freedom gathered in capital Damascus and other areas around Syria as security forces ordered journalists to leave a southern city where a brutal weeklong siege on demonstrations killed dozens of people.

Al Jazeera's special correspondent, reporting from among the pro-reform demonstrators in the southern city of Daraa, 100 kilometers south of Damascus, said: "No one here is calling for a regime change ... No one here is chanting slogans against the president Bashar al-Assad. The people here say they want freedom, they want reforms."


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Yemen President Addresses Nation
(Al Jazeera English: 0518 PST, March 25, 2011) As tens of thousands of protesters demand Ali Abdullah Saleh's resignation, the longtime leader gives a speech to crowds in a second demonstration on the other side of the capital city. Saleh offered to step down - but said he will only hand over power "to capable, reponsible hands." Al Jazeera's special correspondent, reporting from Sanaa, says the mood in the opposition crowds remains defiant.

Protesters Enter Sanaa's 'Change Square' Before Friday Prayers

(Al Jazeera English: 0343 PST, March 25, 2011) Ahead of Friday prayers, an Al Jazeera correspondent tours the perimeter of what protesters have dubbed "Change Square" in Yemen's capital. Civilians have set up checkpoints next to defensive rock piles to prevent weapons from entering the square, but professional army soldiers have joined their ranks as well.


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Syrian Forces 'Shoot at Protesters'
(Al Jazeera English: 0541 PST, March 23, 2011) Reports from Syria say security forces have killed six people after storming a mosque in the southern city of Deraa. Locals say heavy gunfire and tear gas was used shortly after midnight, but the government says that its security forces only moved in to prevent an "armed gang" from attacking.

It's the worst violence in a week of anti-government protests in the city, and represents the strongest challenge yet to President Bashar al-Assad's rule. Al Jazeera's Omar al Saleh reports.


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Libya Air Strikes Shift Momentum in Conflict
Reports indiciate that allied air strikes are making a difference on the ground in Libya, with momentum shifting away from forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi. However, rebels are still finding progress difficult in many areas.

Air Strikes Offer Libya's Rebels Reprieve

(Euronews: 0728 PST, March 22, 2011) Only a few days ago Libyan rebels were on the verge of being crushed by forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi. However, the heavy bombardment by the Western led coalition appears to have swung the momentum in Libya's civil war.

The main road out of the eastern city of Benghazi is now littered with the regime's vehicles scorched by attacks from the air. That has allowed the opposition to push towards Ajdabiya, though for the time being the town remains under Gaddafi's control.

Front Line Stalls Outside Ajdabiya

(Al Jazeera English: 0541 PST, March 22, 2011) Four days into an international military operation that has crippled Muammar Gaddafi's air force and air defence and forced the retreat of his ground troops in the east, rebels still can't seem to break through to Ajdabiya. Al Jazeera's James Bays filed this report 9km outside the town, where the AJE team had earlier come under missile fire from Gaddafi's forces.

Libya: France 24 Exclusive from Zintan

(France 24: 0620 PST, March 22, 2011) France 24 reports on the stand-off in Zintan, a rebel-held town in the west of Libya encircled by forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi.


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Europe Divided Over Libya Mission
(Al Jazeera English: 1056 PST, March 21, 2011) More and more European warplanes are joining the operations against Libya. But EU leaders meeting in Brussels are divided over the mission. France is already declaring the campaign a success, which has saved the people of Benghazi from a bloodbath. But others say they're only willing to commit under a NATO umbrella. Al Jazeera's Laurence Lee reports.


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Allies Tighten Hold Over Libyan Airspace
(Euronews: 0816 PST, March 21, 2011) Western powers appear to have tightened their grip on Libyan airspace following the latest wave of air strikes. The on-going bombardment comes as more forces arrive to take part in operation Odyssey Dawn.

The U.S., France, and UK remain the principle participants among the allies, with Canada, Italy, and Spain also contributing forces. Norway is also taking part in the operation, with Denmark, Belgium, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar also sending military hardware, notably fighter jets.

Rejoicing in Libya's Benghazi

(Al Jazeera English: 0612 PST, March 21, 2011) Pro-democracy fighters have been celebrating in the second Libyan city of Benghazi after French jets demolished Muammar Gaddafi's heavy armour that was heading their way. Al Jazeera's James Bays visited the site of the attack to file this report.


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Top Army Commanders Defect in Yemen
(Al Jazeera English: 0641 PST, March 21, 2011) Senior military figures, diplomats and officials in Yemen are abandoning their president of the last 32 years.

Ali Abdullah Saleh's government has been beseiged for weeks by protests in the capital Sanaa. On Friday, more than 50 were killed in a crackdown on the streets. By Sunday, president Saleh had sacked all of his ministers. And in the capital Sanaa, tanks rolled onto the streets, guarding the presidential Palace. Al Jazeera's Alan Fisher has the latest.


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International Forces Begin Libya Strikes
(Al Jazeera English: 1056 PST, March 19, 2011) International forces have begun military operations in Libya, with French fighter jets taking out several tanks operated by pro-government forces, while over 100 U.S. Tomahawk cruise missiles struck at air defence sites.

The U.S. is taking the lead in the first phase of operations, but says it will be handing over control to coalition partners "in the coming days."

The action comes after world leaders concluded a summit in Paris to discuss the modalities of international action on Libya, as authorised by UN resolution 1973. Al Jazeera's Jacky Rowland reports from Paris.


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Japan: Supplies Not Getting Through
(Al Jazeera English: 1056 PST, March 18, 2011) With petrol running low, delivery trucks are struggling to get supplies to those hardest hit by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. And as provisions decline, tension rises. Al Jazeera's Steve Chao reports from Morioka.


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