Tuesday, March 29, 2011

James Bond Film Foreshadowing New Madrid Quake?

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James Bond Film Foreshadowing
New Madrid Quake?
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'A View to Kill'
In this James Bond film, the evil madman is played by Christopher Walken. His diabolical plot is to pump water directly into a multiple tectonic boundary zone to create what he calls "the greatest cataclysm in natural history!"

His flunkie chimes in: "- and all attributed to natural causes!"

Pumping water into shale deposits is exactly what has been being practiced in the US by prospectors looking for natural gas deposits.

This practice is called "fracking." Natural gas has started pouring out of people's showerheads and kitchen sinks, causing explosions in their artesian wells and water storage units beneath their homes. These peoples' homes have been destroyed and at least one man was burned to death, while assembling his childrens' "Slip 'n Slide."

All of this because these natural gas prospectors were not obliged to adhere to the Clean Water Act, in an amendment penned by Dick Cheney (who has no law degree, as was the case with every Cabinet member of Dubya's First Administration. They didn't even know what laws they were breaking half the time).

Due to the hundreds of earthquakes which have swarmed around the New Madrid Fault zone in the past year, the practice of fracking has recently been prohibited, at least temporarily.

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