Monday, March 28, 2011

Hope , sounds like you could use a little Christian support.
I am not going to harass you further .
I am a Christian also of a branch long suppressed and
murdered ,I can’t understand how an obviously very Bright
person like yourself cannot accept that others might have insights and knowledge that you haven’t been exposed to.
Just because another has a very different take on your favorite subject than yourself, you would be wise to listen and not attack as this is not what Christ wanted us to do ,save the table turnings for the TPTB.,
No human being stands between myself and my Creator.No Priest ,Rabbi, Minister or Guru.
Because of this I am free to read and weigh the so called heretical early church fathers , I can enjoy the wonderful life I have been granted . My joy cannot be undone for very long. I suggest you spend a cold winters night in Canada ,bundled up in thick covers, watching the progression
of the planets and the unknowable sky ,
Religion must finally accept that like the immensity of the heavens ,the immensity of the Creator lays far beyond
the understandings or comprehension of mere mortals , Christ himself, a human like you ,Didn’t he say this when he was asked if he was the Messiah answered “You say this.
The old Testament you love has a jealous God that wants his children, to place no other strange gods before him ,
Jesus as a Messiah figure was not to be any different than you , he had sickness ,fear ,pain and trouble like us all .
He didn’t want his fellow Jews to crown him the king even though he had royal blood .
His Father in Heaven, unknowable and beyond all comprehension is One ,not Three persons like the Paulinians
would have you believe .
I am truly sorry that life is such a downer for You ,my medical background hints that you are suffering medical problems, physical, perhaps depression and at times mania , don’t let your recently gathered conspiricy thoughts rob your peace of mind .
the early followers of Christ were reincarnationists, believe it or not ,and this basic element of Christ teaching was demonstrated when he said we all must be “Born Again” to enter his Fathers Kingdom .
for my part , my faith is deep but untranslatable.However
never forget this World was created for you .Enjoy and be thankful for every breath, each wake up, and relax ,as Mans Savior ,preached, get awake to the beauties of your present existance , enjoy and share ,please don’t try and be the be all and end all of Christian thought ,It is a body of knowledge both public and secret that requires life times of study.
Our ego’s keep insisting that we have a hand up over all others when it comes to beliefs ….the Defination…..
Belief:is the general word implying acceptance with or Without certainty, what is held to be true or real;a thing believed;an opinion.
I am very happy you have a love of God, our Father /Mother
and faith as this will carry you through the rough times ahead , You need not prostilitize as we are all listening to our own hearts and knowledge in this manner, keep your own counsel but try and stay openminded , it would be far better for you to stick with the factual and leave the personal spiritual musings to the darkness of your sleeping room as Christ counselsd.
May the Peace of Heaven enter your heart and PLEASE except the fact ,when it comes to Religion, we all have our own quiet and dark rooms where we Know God’s peace.

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