Friday, February 18, 2011

Spiritual Mind Science - Fifth Science - Substance

Spiritual Mind Science - Fifth Science - Substance

Substance is a website committed to introducing an ancient Spiritual Mind Science.

This Spiritual Mind Science is based on a Forbidden Gnostic Manuscript, referred to as The Exclusive Fifth Science.

For thousands of years, Fifth Science has been withheld from mass consciousness due to its Reverse Logic that exceeds conventional mind capacity.

However, as a manuscript, this Spiritual Mind Science has somehow managed to survive among the Forbidden Texts of the Druze — a surviving Gnostic Brotherhood in the Levant.

According to Fifth Science, the psychological mind has a Behavioral Tendency to perceive reality in an inverted mode, reminiscent of the manner in which the eye registers an image prior to sending it to the brain, which then sets it upright.

Fifth Science intricately exposes the mathematics of this type of perceptual error, tracing its origins to the mind's primeval relationship with The One, both as a concept and as a numeric value.

To override the gravitational power of this erroneous tendency ( which is theologically paralleled by the alleged symbolic Fall of Adam from The Garden of Eden), the mind must deactivate its numeric logic - The Psychological Ego that has been (for centuries now) nourished by the Forbidden Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.

Our primary goal in substance is to introduce this Mind Science in a comprehensible form that reflects its universal nature.

Fifth Science, as a pure text, is beyond the average comprehension. It consists of densely compact wording of high intricacy.

However, as you shall discover, the core logic that constitutes this Spiritual Mind Science is exceedingly simple and self-evident.
Like oxygen, it penetrates deeply into the mental system, detoxifying it from its acquired synthetic residue, if not completely resetting it.
This happens to such an extent that it is impossible for the logic of this ancient Spiritual Mind Science to be accepted or rejected based on any comparative belief system, neither can it be tested or judged for validity by any equivalent or competitive logic of any sort.
It can only be registered and its cognitive effect is instantaneous, intuitive, and irretrievable.

Like sunlight in its boundless omnipresence, the primeval substance of this Spiritual Mind Science could easily go unseen. Once you direct your vision toward it, your eyes might helplessly chase to frame a binding image, yet your mind will peacefully rest inside the boundless frame of its overwhelming presence.

For many centuries now, ethical and moral codes of conduct have physically protected humanity from self-destructive behavior.

However, if these codes have been able to claim any success in this respect, it has only been due to their Suppressive Behavioral Logic, which has always been dogmatically enforced by religious institutions upon The Human Psychosis by virtue of the notorious duality of Good vs. Evil.
This is historically evident through the manner in which prominent religious institutions have always handled The Gnostic Spirit across time. They have done so by continuously and rigorously investing in: Suppressive Behavioral Resistance.

This point shall be elucidated in greater depth as we proceed to reveal more on The Gnostic History and the manner in which religious institutions are known to have historically received The Gnostic Doctrines. We will see how they would still do so, even at this very advanced moment in time and even though we supposedly live in a world of democracy and religious freedom.

For now, it is enough to keep in mind that human history (until this very moment), has shockingly proven that The Past generally possesses a stronger hold over The Present than does the present itself. Hence, when faced with powerful historical identities like The Religious Identity, no identity could ever compete.

Accordingly, religious behavior continues to globally dominate, only disguised by a mask of modernity. Call it whatever you wish: pragmatism, diplomacy, humanitarianism, vegetarianism,whatever...

In short, a fairly Old Identity tends to rule over any Relatively Newer one, and not the other way around, contrary to what might seemingly imply to an average understanding. This happens despite the progressive nature of history itself, and regardless of the industrial, scientific and technological advancements that have significantly shaped The Modern Identity and altered the daily mathematics of human experience in space and time.
The Ancient Equation remains forever the same, untouched.

Accordingly, The Antecedent Identity, which was once enforced upon humanity in the name of religion (thousands of years ago), has not yet been overpowered by any measurable Successive Identity. No mentionable identity has yet succeeded in overcoming the strong psychological grip that the religious identity has held over the human psychosis; the proof is that the world is still (even at this very moment) suffering at its very heart in The Middle East from behavioral wars of a religious nature.

Nevertheless, as the notorious year 2000 came to pass without any major apocalyptic event taking place, the moral and ethical structure, which had been sustained by conventional religious ideologies, gradually started to collapse. As a result, the dormant Powers of The Mind started to progressively awaken from their millennial religious coma. Accordingly, human behavior, ever since, has been gradually unleashed from its moral and ethical chains.

However inspiring this might sound, it is as yet a double-edged sword,for humanity, ever since, has been witnessing an accelerating gravitational attraction towards some mysteriously pre-religious identity - an attraction that is venting through a growing human interest in primeval spiritualities like Alchemy, Occultism, Ancient Wisdom, Mind over Matter, Psychic Powers, Mysticism, and Alternative Schools of Thought that promote natural living and self healing possibilities like Macrobiotic, Meditation and Yoga.

This Mysterious Identity seems to be energized by an identity that is seemingly yet even stronger than the notoriously religious one, knowing how The Religious Mind is historically renowned for silencing and suppressing any comparable human endeavor to call upon The Mysterious or The Unknown.
This global phenomenon is accelerating along with the advanced communication technologies headed by the internet and its search engine protocols, which continuously strive to diminish the obstacles of space and time and gradually connect people together based on cognitive identification factors.

Substance, in its progression of decoding the cognitive logic of Fifth Science and its strong relativity to the Ancient Binary System (The Zero and The One that constitutes the base language of digital technology), reveals the theological origins and nature of this Primeval Identity. It outlines its logic in The Gnostic Texts of the Druze, and traces its origins back to a Lost Human History that dates back to The Pre-Historic Times of Atlantis and Lemuria. It extends even further back in time - to the moment of creation itself, which dates back millions and millions of years prior to the 7000 yr. margin wrongfully deduced from any conventional literal reading of the Genesis Account.

All of this, and more, renders substance more than a mere spiritual website or yet another further attempt to invest in the modern trend of revival of ancient mysticism. Most importantly, it is certainly much more than an online self-help guide or resource that promises a cornflakes recipe for a sudden spiritual awakening.

Substance does not thrive on the enigma of an ancient secret exposed or the mystery of a spiritual discovery of some sort. It simply rests on the exquisiteness of an exceptional logic that the mind intuitively recognizes as its own, at the very instant it is exposed to it.

This renders Fifth Science more than a conventional Mind Science. It is, instead, a timeless mind creed.

As we make this ancient and exclusive knowledge available to you, here and now, we invite you (mind and soul) to reclaim your original share in it, equally and impartially, whomever you are and to whichever nationality, race, religion or culture to which you belong, free of any charge, free of any psychological entanglement, free of any form of liability towards any hidden agenda of any sort, free of any spiritual or religious allegiance to any authority but The Intuitive Logic of The Mind.

For the core purpose behind any form of Authentic Gnostic Revelation is Gnosis —the Greek term for substantial knowledge. Knowledge in The Gnostic definition means recollection - recollecting that which originally belongs to you in the first place. No doctrine on earth could ever make you acquire that which has never belonged to you since the beginning of time.

As The Great King Solomon once said: "Nothing is new under the sun..."
The Spiritual Mind Science we place before you today, however peculiar it may seem, is not new. It was known and practiced millions of years ago in Atlantis and even way back before that. From here, more on Authentic Gnosticism and The Lost History of Atlantis (from The Druze Gnostic Perspective) shall be revealed in substance, as well.

Along the journey of decoding the ancient logic of Fifth Science, certain Gnostic Doctrines that are deemed by such logic as granted, and which may be considered (to an average reader) as somewhat mysterious, are ultimately demystified. Most of these can be traced back to the Ancient Greek philosophical heritage (none of which is doctrinal in any religious, traditional or customary sense).

Even more, a hidden link that conjoins the fundamental Theorems of at least five Ancient Greek philosophers (identified in The Gnostic Texts of the Druze as The Five Sacred Bounds) is unraveled. These Theorems, which might contrast to an average philosophical discernment, coincide within Fifth Science like scattered verses that belong to one prophecy, in an immaculateness that transcends conventional philosophical expectations.
Hence, substance ultimately sheds a new light on a lost chapter in the history of Ancient Greek Philosophy, which depicts those philosophers as each wandering in his own separate planet.
Nevertheless, the mystical aspect of this revelation, bordering resolutely and strictly with respect to what serves to elucidate Fifth Science (without any preachy or mundane lecturing), in no way undermines the theoretical integrity of the logic that unifies those philosophers' theorems within the matrix of this novel Spiritual Mind Science.

Again, the substance you are about to be exposed to herein cannot be easily ignored or overlooked.
Like sunlight, The Logic of this ancient Spiritual Mind Science translates into immediate vision both on the level of The Preceptor and The Object of Perception — not a promise to a view.
Yet, even more, this Gnostic Spiritual Mind Science has the power to touch even the most doubtful and skeptical of minds. Certainly, it is potentially life-transforming for you and for many others, provided that you receive it with a free and open mind, dedicating moderate time and effort to register its logic and to allow its detoxifying substance to work its way through your spiritual system.

In order to obtain a vivid insight over this ancient Mind Science, we recommend that you not overlook any page on this website (except perhaps the "author" page), because all pages in substance are designed to work synergistically.
Each sustains your mind with a comprehensively source-filled vision that is key to indexing the morphe of Fifth Science at the moment it is unveiled.

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