Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ophiuchus is the 13th sign of the Zodiac, which was used in medieval astrology and held special significance to Nostradamus.

Because the number 13 was considered unlucky, it dropped
out of use in Western Astrology. Ophiuchus depicts a man
holding a large snake, which symbolizes the Dark Rift of
the Milky Way Galaxy, a feature that is very important in
Maya astrology, whereit represents Xibalba Be, the "road to
the underworld."

The Ophiuchus constellation is located between Libra
and Saggitarius, at exactly the point in which the
Galactic Plane and the plane of our solar system's
orbit around the Galaxy cross each other.

On an astronomical level, the Earth and our Solar System
have been crossing the Galactic Equator since 1998, in a
process which will be completed by around 2016. This is
part of the basis for much of the 2012 hype and even the
for the "Photon Belt" iterations of '90s New Agery.

The Solar System revolves around the galactic Center
in a see-saw-like motion, which some astrophysicists
have theorized puts Earth at greater risk of
extraterrestrial impact, during these times, as we
pass through the Galactic Arms, which are more
densely-packed with asteroids and plasmas. We've been
crossing it for 13 years, with 5 more to go. So far,
no major impact events, which is good!

However, the effects of our current passage have
recently been noted in the Earth's magnetosphere and
the Sun's heliosphere, which encapsulates the entire
Solar System; both of which protect the Earth from the
harmful radiation of cosmic rays and both of which have
shrunken or at times become torn, leaving the daylight
side of the Earth completely open to bombardment by
solar & cosmic radiation.

Even the most conservative geophysicist who I asked
what this could result from this suggested that we will
see a spike in cancers and mutations, arising from this
astrophysical passage.

"Mutation" is a word that has come to be associated with
the nightmarish genetic damage that is the byproduct of
nuclear fallout and radiation poisoning. But in Latin,
the word "mutation" simply means "change" - as it does,
in the strictest sense, in the science of genetics.

Change is constant and change can certainly be good but it
remains to be seen if the effects of cosmic radiation will
prove beneficial for the human race and for life on Earth,
although this is somewhat doubtful, considering that we're
in the middle of the Earth's Sixth Extinction Event, where
50% of the 10 million species living on our planet today
are expected to be extinct within 100 years.

So, let's see if this 13th sign of Ophiuchus gains traction
in the hoary world of astrology. The narrator gives an interesting
talk about Ophiuchus and the symbolism of the Phoenix rising,
which coincides with the traditions of many cultures of the world
which express that we are currently at a crossroads between the


- Alexandra

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