Thursday, February 17, 2011

In memory of the great patriot, Susan Mokdad.

In memory of the great patriot, Susan Mokdad.

It has been eight years since Susan Mokdad was MURDER by her captors at Coleman Prison on Valentine's Day 2003 shortly before she was to be released.  Susan and her father, Emilio Ippolito, founded Pro Se Litigant of Tampa Bay back in 1989, group of about thirty concerned people, who had been shafted by government.  The group became Pro Se Litigant of Florida in 1991, growing to over three hundred members.  In 1993, they started Pro Se Litigant of America, which grew in membership to over 10,000 members throughout the Country, having member in every state of the Union.

In 1994, Susan and Emilio founded the Common Law Courts.  The bureaucRats hated this movement even greater than they hated the Pro Se Litigates.  Clamor from black robed devil across the country came by the first of 1996, that this group needed to be exterminated.  The Clintonistas were more then glad to around up over 1200 members these two groups across the country, imprisoning without cause or just out right murdering many under pretense of being for the good of the country.  Strange, today we live in the land of slave and home of the fee.

Great legal brief were often cranked out in early 90s by Susan Mokdad, Dan Schramek, John-Alden: Fairborne (died suddenly Thanksgiving Day 2005, age 63), Rusty Hawn, Homer Boower, Mike McQuin, (Homer and Mike are MIA) Marty Franz (died in prison without every being tried), Larry Moore and yours truly.  Though, from time to time some other great folks would pitch in with the writing, organizing or research. 

Emilio Ippolito spent hours researching law, code, statutes, regulations and case law.  His research and efforts went into many a brief or petition.  There many others, sad to say I have forgotten there names, and their names should be written down in history for the sacrifices that they made.  Other researchers, who I remember, were Bill Biermann (dead), Jane Rock (dead), Peter Rock, Hal Coates, a lady named Simpson (dead), Carolyn Wiseman, a lady named Thelma, Yahuda Rechtman, Terry Busby, Bob Blanchard and Lonnie Korbes.  

Thelma taught me how to play one law against the other.  The Babylon whores have made so many laws that their laws tended to contradict each other.  If you want to have some then box a black robed devil between two conflicting laws.  Because at that point he is DAMNED if he does and DAMNED if he don't!  Thelma ran him down a bunny trail and he fell down a hole and could not get out.  What she did was illegal, but there was nothing the BRD could do about, without become party himself to even a more serious crime.  He challenged her for her wrong doing, but all of a sudden he realized that she had just set him up and he became silent, glaring at her.  The day that Thelma boxed that BRD in the courtroom I almost died laughing.

Emilio survived eleven years of captivity, being released from prison at 82 years of age.  He lives with his wife Wilma in Tampa.  While imprison bureaucrats stole over two and half million dollars worth of real estate from him; stealing his and his wife's retirement, leaving them with social insecurity.  They have a website by which they may be reached.

If you would like to read more about the history of Pro Se Litigants please go to my website and scroll part way down to article on The Pro Se Litigants.  

The Florida Republics, Republic of Texas and the Kingdom of Hawaii arose from the Pro Se Litigants.  These gave notice of succession from the Union in 1996, with Georgia and South Carolina preparing to follow suit.  If wish to learn more about these sovereign Nations, please go to  and scroll to bottom of that page.  This is history the bureaucRATS wish they dumb sheople forget or never hear.

Most people today have forgotten or never have heard of The Pilot Connect, which was founded by Phillip Marsh.  He and Susan were convicted of conspiring against black robed devils and their legal racket.  Phillip to was MURDER in Coleman Prison.  Like Emilio Ippolito the bureaucRATS took everything Phillip had and they buried him in BOOT HILL, a pauper's grave.  Phillip was one of the most hated by the IRS.

Sir David-Andrew:

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